Programming note: Redux

You may recognize this from The Colbert Report. Taken from

You may recognize this from The Colbert Report. Taken from

Hello from furlough-land, Retrowatchers.

You may think that not having been to work since mid-afternoon Tuesday would mean that I am way ahead on my Mary Tyler Moore watching. But due to Netflix still having not delivered season 2, disc 3, you would be wrong. Seems my shipping center didn’t have it so now it’s coming from some mysterious “next available” shipping center. As of this afternoon, I still don’t have it.

Seasons 1-3 are available on Hulu, and I’ll probably resort to watching the next batch there – even though it totally disrupts my system. (And anyone who knows me knows how I cling to my routine/systems). At any rate there will most likely not be a blog this weekend. Look for it early next week.

Programming note

You may recognize this from The Colbert Report. Taken from

You may recognize this from The Colbert Report. Taken from

Due to some technical difficulties this week, I’m just now getting around to watching the next batch of episodes. There will be no update this evening. Check back this weekend. I’m not sure if anyone is fastidiously checking here every Thursday for a new post, but in case you were waiting on it – should be up in a couple of days.