Why everyone should watch Trophy Wife

BRADLEY WHITFORDHappy holidays! it’s a busy time here at Retrowatching HQ. Season three of Mary Tyler Moore probably won’t begin until next week. In the meantime, please enjoy this scene from my  favorite new comedy Trophy Wife. (Favorite most weeks, anyway, depending on how funny Brooklyn 99 is. Thanksgiving week went to Brooklyn 99. Christmas goes to Trophy Wife.) I can’t stop watching it. Everything and everyone is perfect. I legitimately laughed out loud – emphasis on LOUD – and hard, the first time I watched. And again on subsequent watches. And just a few minutes ago when I embedded the clip.

Some context: New wife Kate invites her husband’s two ex-wives over for Christmas eve and things get out of control when her mulled wine somehow gets spiked with absinthe.

BTW, if you’re not watching Trophy Wife, you are missing out. See above for further evidence. And then go watch any scene featuring brothers Warren and Bert. Seriously though, please watch this show. I love it and would like to continue watching. ABC, Tuesday nights 9:30 (8:30 central).

Ball is in your court, Brooklyn 99.