Well, shit. Really, Michael Patrick King?

So, I just read this, confirming that there will, in fact, be a Sex and the City movie sequel.

*sigh* Really? Really?

Listen, guys. I love you. In fact, over the past year, I’ve come to realize that Sex and the City is my favorite TV show of all time. Yes, of all time. Those of you who know me know what a huge deal it is for me to make this realization. It was up against some pretty heavy hitters, too – Buffy, Gilmore Girls, Friends, Cheers, Northern Exposure

But..here’s the thing. I thought the ending to the show was perfect. It was the most satisfying ending to a show ever.

Then you made the movie. I was skeptical, especially after I heard my Steve was going to cheat on Miranda. (Thanks, ex-Internet friend, for blurting that out without warning and spoiling me. Thanks a lot. Not that I’m still bitter…) But, I ended up loving it. There were some plot lines I wasn’t crazy about (Did Samantha really have to break up with Smith? Why didn’t they give Harry anything to do?) but overall, I loved it. And I got into the spirit. Over at my old blog, I declared the month of May Sex and the City month, and wrote several  posts about the show and movie.

But..what else can you do? Break up Carrie and Big…again? Get Carrie pregnant, when Big – who was always written as older than Carrie – has to be at least in his mid to late 50s, and Carrie is in her mid-40s?* What?

Listen, I thought  you all did a great job with the movie. And I had a lot of fun watching the show again and anticipating the big opening day. But, know when to stop. Please. Because I know myself, and I know that I will be there, in line on opening weekend, in a cute dress wearing my Carrie Sarah necklace.  If there’s more to the SaTC story, I’m gonna have to go see. And it’s gonna suck, because after six seasons and a movie, there’s really nothing else you can do. Your heroine married her man. Her friends are all happy. The city lives on. Everything is fabulous.

Don’t go and fuck that up for me and the millions of other fans around the world. Please. We like how you left things.

But if you must make another movie, be careful. Surprise me. Make me eat my words. Earn it.

* I realize this may be offensive, as it was also announced that SJP and Matthew Broderick are expecting twins (through a surrogate). I did not intended to offend anyone. But, more to the point, it is completly out of character for Carrie and Big to have kids. That’s just not who they are. They’re the fun aunt and uncle types, who bring over toys and take their friends’ kids out to the circus. Not parents.

 Video of the Day: You’re never gonna top this, Michael Patrick King. Stop trying.

I don’t care much….

…. about Chuck.

Can I say that?

Maybe I’m just cranky today, but seriously: I don’t care. Sorry, internets. I don’t care about your beloved show.

This is only an issue because literally every TV/media related blog I read has been rife with “Save Chuck” posts. Arrghh!

It’s not that I don’t appreciate trying to save a show in danger of non-renewal. I’ve even made a few pleas myself, on behalf of Friday Night Lights. So I get it. But I still don’t care.

I just hope the good people at NBC make up their minds soon, so that I can stop reading about what a great show it is (even though it sucked big time when I watched, and every time I read a recap, I start to doze off).

Can I say it? I’m gonna say it:

Shut up, Chuck.

(This post has been brought to you by major crankiness. My next post will be much more upbeat, I promise.)

Feel good video for the day


“That’s cloud. Why would you put a clown above your bed?”

I don’t care what anyone says, I think Music and Lyrics is great. When I worked for a newspaper, I wrote a whole column defending the film, and why it’s secretly really smart and a big joke on the viewer. Unfortunately, I can’t link you to that. (Oh, look at that, I totally can!) Trust me: This movie is secretly brilliant.

And you’ve gotta love a good montage scene.

Attention HBO viewers: Check out Grey Gardens Saturday at 8. It’s supposed to be great. Also, listen to this interview with Drew Barrymore, where she talks about playing Little Edie Beale. You might be surprised how much time, energy, and research she put into preparing for the role.

“I’m just a Broadway baby…”


I thought she had a mysterious glow last week…and I was right. Idina Menzel and Taye Diggs are expecting!

That’s gonna be one beautiful, talented kid. (Though, as one poster in the above link said, “No pressure!” Riiight.)

Man. First Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof have a baby girl and now this. (I can only assume that the offspring of two gorgeous people like Alyson and Alexis is stunning.) If this pace keeps up, the children of legitimately talented celebs are going to take over America. Would this really be a bad thing? I mean, look at Rashida Jones.

Video of the Day: Does anyone out there still watch ER? Anyone going to check out the finale? I’m curious, except I haven’t seen the show in years. I had to check out when they made Carter a drug addict, which was…maybe my freshman year of college? 1999 or 2000, probably. I still tuned in sporadically, but then they had to go and kill Mark Greene, and I really was done.  Despite my ignorance now, I loved the show back in its early seasons. One of my oddest memories from high school involves ER. I was in France for a two-week trip, and was terribly homesick. (Don’t get me started on that trip; I owe the country another one, to prove to myself it isn’t actually a terrible place.) I was outside a hospital, as my host family was visiting someone there and I was forced to go.  There were speakers by the entrance piping out Muzak. The song that was playing? A variation on the theme from ER. I shit you not.  “Ahh, America!” I thought to myself. “How I miss thee!”

Good times. My favorite part has always been Benton’s fist pump.